Thursday, November 8, 2018

ASCO Supports Affordable Cancer Drugs

Florida-based oncologist Matthew Taub serves on the boards of several regional hospitals. In addition, Dr. Matthew Taub is an active member of several professional organizations, including the Florida Medical Association and the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO).

Since 1964, ASCO has promoted innovations in cancer care and improvement in patient outcomes by providing education and research opportunities to medical professionals specializing in oncology. ASCO also advocates for policies and regulations that increase access to cancer treatment and high-quality care.

One of ASCO’s staunchest platforms is making cancer treatment more affordable. In a policy statement released in 2017, ASCO noted that cancer treatments have become much more effective, but they are not financially accessible to many patients. 

Treatment costs can run into hundreds of thousands of dollars, causing financial strain that can result in bankruptcy or the forgoing of essential treatment. To combat this, ASCO supports any policy or legislation that aims to lower the cost of cancer drugs, such as negotiating drug prices at the national level.